Tag Archives: Energy

Steven Jiroutek, Business Development Manager, VAISALA

Steven Jirsteveeeeoutek is the Business Development Manager for Industrial Applications at Vaisala, Americas. With over 12 years of experience at Vaisala, he oversees the business and strategy development for targeted industrial applications with specific focus on condition based monitoring of high voltage assets. He is responsible for identifying strategic partnerships and defining the measurement, technology and product needs of the markets. Steve holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Chemical Engineering from the University of New Hampshire.


  1. Why did you decide to do a webinar with Business Review Webinars?

Vaisala has always been an innovation and technology driven company with a strong customer focus.  We work closely with many pilot customers in order to help us bring new products to market.  In this process we discover new insights and best practices and are always looking for new ways to share our latest findings with other industry experts.

  1. What are you looking forward to explaining to the audience?

The concept of moisture movement within transformers is pretty well known in the industry however what’s less understood are the finer points related to how it happens, what it means, and how it’s measured.  I really enjoy taking a complex, confusing topic and helping to bring clarity to it by presenting new ideas and perspectives to a diverse audience.

  1. How did you get into the industry and what do you most enjoy about your role?

My background in chemical engineering served me well in understanding gas and liquid measurement applications however I knew from a very early point in my career that the “traditional engineer” role wasn’t going to suit me.  I moved pretty quickly to being on the front lines of business development and engaging with market leaders about new technologies & trends and applying that information to product development – this was a much better fit for my personality and interests.

  1. What are you hoping to achieve in the future in your personal and professional life?

The most important thing for me now and in the future is to always maintain the proper balance of time with my family and work that is meaningful and challenging to me.

  1. How do you relax in your leisure time?

The best way for me to recharge my batteries is to be active in nature – I’m an avid skier, hiker, backpacker, runner, and mountain biker.

Join Vaisala’s webinar with Steven on “Moisture in Transformer Oil Behavior” . Register here.

Martin Schroter, Senior Manager of Business Development, Dürr Systems, Inc.

rkV1PTm4Martin Schroter holds both a master’s degree and PhD in chemical engineering from the Technical University of Clausthal in Germany, where he began his professional career in the chemical industry. For the following 15 years, he was an environmental catalyst product specialist in the power industry throughout Europe and the United States. Today Martin is developing products and business opportunities for Dürr Systems, Inc. out of Plymouth, Michigan.

1. How did you get into the industry?

I have been interested in chemistry since my introduction to the science in high school. I chose to become a chemical engineer and discovered my love for fundamental understanding. Going behind the scenes and into detail had always fascinated me. However, you need the right tools at hand to create fundamental understanding and my engineering education gave me that. I started as a process engineer for a German petrochemical company analyzing and optimizing their chemical processes. Backed by a team of experienced scientists and engineers, I took part in the design of single process units as well as a complete factory. We were led by a progressive management team with an understanding of the importance of intellectual properties, but moreover the confidence in our expertise of process fundamentals.

In the late 90’s I moved into the air pollution control business and engaged with a Danish catalyst supplier with a strong emphasis on scientific fundamentals and process understanding. From my different roles in sales, project execution and product management I learned that designing a NOx abatement solution for a utility customer requires different expertise than for a customer in a refinery. Facing customers in different industries however, also creates an understanding of the customer’s business situation as a very strong motive for investment decisions. Today, I am the Senior Manager of Business Development for Dürr Systems, Inc., a system integrator in the field of air pollution control technologies. In business development I can integrate my complete skill set, cultivated in different phases of my business career and best of all is that the company’s management is a strong supporter of my work.

2. What are you looking forward to explaining to the audience?

We understand that different players in an industry like the power sector have different motives when listening to this presentation. With this in mind, the audience can expect a basic introduction to Dürr’s catalytic hot gas filtration technology. The presentation will show how Dürr is creating added value by utilizing synergetic effects through integrating a combination of different process steps with the already existing equipment. Finally, the audience will learn that installation of the Dürr technology is creating a ROI and encourages coal fired power plant operators to invest in air pollution technology independent of emission limitation that may or may not be required.

3.  What do you most enjoy about your role?

I very much enjoy the education aspect of my role in business development. The dialog with customers from different industries is a continuous learning process for all involved and inspires a ‘thinking outside the box’ environment. Suddenly, you can discover that someone in a different industry has already gained experience in a comparable situation. The most enjoyable aspect of my role is the support from Dürr, which takes pride in the idea of our clients becoming “customer for life”.

4. What motivates you?

My greatest motivation is satisfaction, whether that is the satisfaction of an external or internal customer or partner, as well as the contentment earned after a physical workout, a nice dinner or a holiday with the family.

5. What has been your best holiday and where would you recommend visiting?

My best holidays have been on a small island off the Northern German coast where my entire family, including kids and grandparents, all stayed under one roof. We had such a great time that the family repeatedly met on the same island for 10 years in a row while the kids were small.

Join Martin in the Dürr Systems, Inc. webinar ‘Making Air Pollution Control Profitable‘. Register now!


Making Air Pollution Control Profitable

Removing acids from boiler flue gas allows users the opportunity to profit from the need to operate an air pollution control system.


While traditionally applied technologies are well known, such as SCR NOx reduction, the secret lies in Dürr’s low-CAPEX SCR active Catalytic Hot Gas Filter in combination with the cost-effective Furnace Sorbent Injection system engineered by ClearChem Development. Acid-free flue gas liberates steam for electricity generation while intelligent utilization of the latent heat of vaporization takes over the heating of the boiler feed water. As a major result the boiler heat rate is improved, contributing to the boiler’s efficiency as well as necessary BSER achievements of the Clean Power Plan, like CO2 reduction.

Intelligent integration of the Dürr and ClearChem technology in a side stream arrangement of existing air pollution control equipment, as shown in the above ESP example, can furthermore help to improve the overall performance by:

  • Changing operation mode of existing equipment to partial load, thereby helping to reduce consumption figures and enhance efficiencies
  • Meeting additional emission requirements by incremental addition of functionality, like SCR NOx reduction, in a side stream arrangement without putting power production at risk
  • Being upgradeable for future requirements thanks to modular design
  • Improving all over sulfur reduction while at the same time allowing for condensing operation

While CAPEX requirements for a side stream arrangement can be even further reduced, necessary footprint is optimized for the required achievement. Mrs. Wiebke Hagendorf-Schroter, VP of Dürr Clean Technology Systems, says, “We are proud to present a technology that helps our customers in a cost effective way to address greenhouse gas emission reduction for existing coal fired boilers, while for the first time offering a return on investment. This is an important step towards useful lifetime extension for our customer’s assets.”

Discuss in more detail how you can make air pollution control more profitable in our webinar with expert Martin Schroter, Senior Manager of Business Development. Register now!

Dürr Systems, Inc.
26801 Northwestern Highway
Southfield, MI 48033
Phone +1 248-450-2000
Email [email protected]

Joe Haligowski, Product Director for Water Filtration, Filtra-Systems

JoeJoe Haligowski is the Product Director for Water Filtration at Filtra-Systems Industrial Water Division. (Farmington Hills, MI, USA). Has worked to expand Filtra Systems water filtration, and chemical/mineral dewatering product lines. Joe started his career developing oil/water filtration solutions in SAGD (Steam Assisted Gravity Drainage) Applications, for the oil and gas industry, and presently is working to develop water filtration solutions, across all markets.


1. What did you enjoy discussing with the audience?

I enjoyed answering the questions at the conclusion of the Webinar.  There were lots a great questions and good to know the audience wanted to know a bit more about our water filtration product.

2. If you could give one piece of advice to another presenter, what would it be?

Typically, when I give a presentation it is just to a few people, and not being recorded for “On Demand” post presentation broadcasting.  This seemed a bit foreign to me, so my advice would be to embrace that odd felling and just “roll with it”.

3. What has been the highlight of your career?

Hard to pick one event or project, so I will just say the relationships I have been able to have with co-workers and clients that have been long lasting.  Those make the job/carrier fun and fulfilling.

4. Where is your favourite place in the world and why?

There are so many wonderful places, but my two favorite places are:  1)  Any golf course, early in the morning with three people who are determined to have a fun round of golf and 2)  Mackinac Island (Northern Michigan) in August, riding our bicycles with my wife Heidi and my daughters Anna and Eloise.  Golf is a great distraction and reason to pull yourself and those you wish to spend time with away from the day to day chores, and spend four hours together to catch up and enjoy the outdoors and each other’s company.  Mackinac Island is a very unique place (state park) where no motor vehicles are allowed.   Horse carriage and bicycles are the only means of transportation and spending the day riding (or pulling) my girls around the Island is just a great way to enjoy a day.  If pressed to choose between my two favorite places, all I will say is that Santa’s Sleigh does contain golf clubs for both my young ladies.

Joe recently presented in the Filtra-Systems webinar ‘Improve water filtration efficiency with our backwashable Walnut Shell Water Polishing Filter‘. Watch now!

Mr. Matthias Grapow – Vice President, Head of Segment Oil&Gas Midstream, SBU Turbomachinery, MAN Diesel & Turbo

image002After studying mechanical engineering with specialization in turbomachinery at Technical University of Berlin, Matthias Grapow started his professional career in 1997 as a development engineer in the aerodynamic development group of Sulzer Turbo (today’s MAN Diesel & Turbo) in Zurich (Switzerland).

In 2000 Matthias joined the MAN’s sales and projects team, as a bid manager in the field of basic industries, refinery and petrochemical applications. Since 2002 his range of activity also includes the gas storage & transport business. Matthias managed the sales group for gas storage & transport and hydrocarbon processing industry applications at MAN Diesel & Turbo in Zurich from 2006 until 2013. 

Matthias Grapow has a broad know-how of all turbocompressor product types – particularly in high-speed magnetically-levitated, integrated motor-compressor units. 

In March 2013, Matthias has been appointed Vice President and is now heading the Oil & Gas Midstream segment of MAN Diesel & Turbo.

1. Why did you decide to do a webinar with Business Review Webinars?

In April 2015 we organized an event called TurboForum for our customers at MAN Diesel & Turbo Schweiz AG in Zurich. The organization was extremely labor-intensive, but all worth it, as the event turned out to be a big success. The subsequent feedback being very positive on all accounts was more than rewarding. This time we decided to focus on a new marketing tool, i.e. the BRW Webinar. The aim is to expand our horizon, develop new skills and last but not least to allow everybody a participation without the need of travelling.

2. What are you looking forward to explaining to the audience?

Patrik Meli, Vice President Engineering Zurich, and I are looking forward to explaining the considerable advantages of MAN’s MOPICO® compression systems. We will furthermore give detailed information of MAN’s pioneering in magnetically-levitated compression systems for gas transport, gas storage and finally for subsea gas transport compression. This webinar gives us a chance to continue and enlarge the dialogue with our existing and future customers and to receive a direct and active feedback.

3. What do you most enjoy about your role?

The full commitment to our products is motivating and inspiring me. As Head of Midstream Oil and Gas I enjoy a new challenge every day, and believe me, every single day is different from the other. It  is an interesting and satisfying job that I love doing. In addition, I feel a very strong team spirit and full commitment in my department and this motivates me even more.

4. What would someone be surprised to know about you?

I always cycle to the office, all year round independent of weather conditions. That is what keeps me fit physically and mentally.

5. What do you do in your leisure time to relax?

Being on tour with my racing bicycle over mountain passes is always challenging, but at the same time it gives me the chance to switch off,  relax and enjoy the nature. Sailing is my other hobby that I appreciate tremendously.

Join Matthias in the upcoming MAN Diesel & Turbo webinar ‘Economic and Ecological Optimization of Pipeline Compression’ at either 7am UK or 3pm UK. Register now!

Joe Haligowski, Product Director for Water Filtration, Filtra-Systems


JoeJoe Haligowski is theProduct Director for Water Filtration at Filtra-Systems Industrial Water Division. (Farmington Hills, MI, USA). Has worked to expand Filtra Systems water filtration, and chemical/mineral dewatering product lines. Joe started his career developing oil/water filtration solutions in SAGD (Steam Assisted Gravity Drainage) Applications, for the oil and gas industry, and presently is working to develop water filtration solutions, across all markets.


  1. Why did you decide to do a webinar with Business Review Webinars?

The Filtra-Systems STiR filter is a very versatile product with applications across many industries.  We feel the webinar will be a great avenue to talk to many people across a wide industry base to let them know how it works, why it works, and to see if it can be applied to help meet their need.

  1. What are you looking forward to explaining to the audience?

I am really looking forward to explaining two points. The first is the technical and commercial advantages that STiR filters have due to the backwash design. Our media regeneration is far superior and mathematically proven to be the most efficient, and we have continually improved the design to significantly reduce costs. The second point is presenting the real life applications and problems we were able to solve while working with our clients.  The things you learn with each application propel continuous improvement and innovation so I think the audience will be able to take away the most from that portion of our discussion.

  1. What’s your favourite thing about presenting to a live audience?

I have presented at many technical conferences in the past but this is my first Webinar, so I am not quite sure what to expect.  I guess I am looking forward to great participation and good questions about our walnut shell filter and I hope everyone will come away with something.

  1. What is the most interesting thing you’ve done within your current role?

It has to have been the chance to travel the world, and to have been able to meet and build relationships with people.  When thinking about my carrer to this point, the opportunity to have friends and colleges from all around the world is really what I am grateful for.  I would encourage anyone who has the opportunity to travel to do so.  I am not the first to say it, but I know that it is true. The more often people from different places and backgrounds can sit down and share a meal together, the better the world will be.

  1. What motivates you?

My 3 Girls motivate me.  My wife Heidi and my daughters Anna and Eloise.  Also, achieving the satisfying feeling one gets from solving difficult problems.  Considering that, I suppose I will have the opportunity to be both motivated and satisfied when my girls reach their teenage years?  Perhaps other fathers could chime in and provide advice during our chat.

Filtra-Systems will be presenting their webinar ‘Improve water filtration efficiency with our backwashable Walnut Shell Water Polishing Filter‘ on 4th November at 3pm London/10am New York, read more & register here.