Supply Chain Quiz Question
Which of the following was not a motivating force behind the adoption of supply chain management?
a) Improved communication brought about by better technology
b) Recognition that customer decision dictate costs for suppliers
c) Increased competition
d) Cost cutting efforts by dominant companies in supply chains
Energy Quiz Question
What country is the premier source of steel for nuclear power plants?
a) U.S.
b) Japan
c) Chile
d) Scotland
Life Science Quiz Question
The term Antibiotic was coined by:
a) Alexander Flemming
b) Selman Walksman
c) Louis Pasteur
d) Robert Koch
e) Pollender
Submit your answer to any of the above questions in the comments below for your chance to win a prize worth £25!
The entry period is from 7th September 2015 to 7th October 2015. All entries must be received by midnight on 7th October 2015.
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The answers to last month’s quiz questions are:
Supply: Why is it a challenge for organizations to implement supply chain management software in developing countries?
Answer: d) All of the above
Energy: How much energy from a coal power plant makes it to customers as electricity?
Answer: b) A third
Life Sciences: What does GFP stand for?
Answer: b) Green Fluorescent Protein
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