Date: 11th March
Days old: 3629
Time: 3PM London/11AM New York
Integrating Security Features for Brand and Product Protection
Counterfeiting or passing-off brands has far-reaching effects: from loss of revenue and brand confidence for the companies which make the genuine article, to loss of tax and excise revenue for Governments. With our extensive experience, we can offer a wide range of effective security solutions to protect your products and your brand, preventing loss of sales and damage to your image.
The pharmaceutical and healthcare market operates under very strict legislation due to the high levels of risk involved. Another legislative driver in the pharma sector is the Falsified Medicines Directive. With this EU directive set to come into force in 2016, there are significant demands on the industry to both verify authenticity and demonstrate tamper evidence.
One way to prevent counterfeit problems - adopted by many pharma companies - is to integrate security within the product packaging. In the healthcare market, cartons, labels, overwraps, specialised tear tape and other forms of containment can now hold a variety of technologies. During this webinar we will explain how packaging can offer protection which can be overt, covert, and forensic or any combination of these. We will show how you can protect against tampering, refilling, counterfeiting and diversion and best of all, there may be little or no extra cost involved.
The webinar focuses on the core theme of using authentication technologies to protect brands, products and reinforce supply chains. With explanations on how the technologies work and their applications in both healthcare and food and drink markets, we will explain what can be done to protect your products from the threat of counterfeiting, diversion and passing off to maintain revenues and reinforce your brand image.
Presented by
Ian Lemon,
Global Category Manager – Healthcare & Personal Care
Ian has over fourteen years of experience in delivering value-added packaging solutions to the graphics and label industry. Prior to his tenure in the packaging industry, Ian worked in marketing and category management roles for leading FMCG companies such as Reckitt-Benckiser and Unilever.
Rupert Taylor,
Global Category Manager – Household, Food & Drink
Rupert has over twenty years of industry experience, from food & beverage ingredient companies to fragrance companies and dairy.
Sarah Rutland,
Senior Development Engineer - Covert Authentication Technologies
Sarah is Senior Development Engineer for Covert Authentication Technologies and has worked with Essentra for five years as an Authentication Technologies specialist. Prior to her role at Essentra, Sarah spent three and a half years at International Paint (Akzo Nobel) working on the development of protective coatings.

Key Learning Objectives
- The authentication requirements for healthcare and other markets
- The range of authentication technologies available
- How authentication technologies can be applied to packaging
- How to develop the correct layering of technologies for your product
- Head of Packaging
- Packaging Technologist
- Packaging Buyer
- Marketing
- Packaging Development
- IP Protection
- Product & Brand Protection