Webinar: Accelerating the Digital Transformation Journey for Pulp and Paper

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Date: 8th October

Days old: 1958

Time: 3PM London/10AM New York

Challenges, pitfalls, and ways to overcome them.

Digital Transformation in Pulp and Paper looks different from other manufacturing processes because of the complexity of the operations, and because of the constant changes the industry has to face, like fluctuations on product demand, the use of digital technologies to replace the use of paper, etc. Nevertheless, the same factors that challenge the industry on one end can be the means for the revival of the mills. It can be argued that Digital Transformation is a journey that the pulp and paper manufacturers have already started, whether it is conscious or not. The main objective of this webinar is to give our audience with strategies and examples to accelerate that journey and attain the returns they are looking for.

The webinar will start with levelling the ground on the understanding of Digital Transformation and covering the most common organizational roadblocks for a strategic approach to it. We will also provide a model to overcome these roadblocks with the operational data infrastructure as the core of it. This model will serve as a guideline for a successful implementation of a Digital Transformation program. Examples from companies like Mondi, Klabin, International Paper, SAPPI, De la Rue, etc. will be used to exemplify the adoption of this model and how organizational differences impact the speed to success.

By the end of the webinar the attendees will:
- Have a better understanding of why Digital Transformation is so important for the pulp and paper industry
- Learn a practical approach for starting and phasing a Digital Transformation program
- Learn from examples of global leaders in the industry about each step of the process
- Feel empowered to continue their journey towards Digital Transformation according to their area of influence

Tune-in and participate in this conversation about Digital Transformation in the Pulp and Paper industry. Register for this webinar now.

Presented by

Mariana Sandin,

Global Forest and Paper Products Industry Principal

Mariana Sandin hast 15 years of experience working with the process industries in their successful adoptions of operational data software technologies. She travels around the world visiting Pulp and Paper companies to join them in their journey towards Digital Transformation. She has a degree in Chemical Engineering from UANL and an MBA with a concentration in Economics from the University of St. Thomas. She is an active member of TAPPI and currently chairs the PIMA IT Committee.

Key Learning Objectives

  • Understand the scope of Digital Transformation for Pulp and Paper
  • Learn how the operational data infrastructure is core for a Digital Transformation program
  • Understand a progression model from simple to more complex use of technology and the gains of each stage
  • Validate, via success stories of other companies, ideas for accelerating a successful Digital Transformation program


  • Mill Manager
  • Chief Digital Officer
  • IT Manager
  • Head of Operations
  • Continuous Improvement Lead or Engineer
  • Center of Excellence Engineer
  • Innovations Lead or Engineer
  • Process Engineer
  • Data Scientist
  • Operations Manager
  • Maintenance Manager
  • Project Managers