Businesses understand the necessity of reducing emissions as much as possible, but each industry has its own individual challenges that affect the pace at which they can make the transition to cleaner energy. Growing uncertainty in the mining industry is making it harder to access capital. Investors are looking for faster return on investment, lower capital expenditure and increased production while simultaneously working towards decarbonization and sustainability. Achieving NetZero for this industry will not be simple and will call for innovative solutions to help bridge the gap. This presentation will cover unique solutions to address these challenges.
With the cost of energy remaining one of the biggest costs to mining operations, miners will need to identify solutions that allow them to maximize production to meet growing market demands while progressing towards achieving the industry’s aggressive energy transition goals. For this reason, exploring hybrid energy solutions is key to any decarbonization strategy. One case study to be discussed includes using hybrid energy solutions for an underground mine switching from 22MW of gas generators to five megawatts of thermal power, 7.4 megawatts of solar power and two megawatts of battery energy storage. The switch resulted in immediate savings for the mine and significantly improved efficiency.
Virtual pipelines will also play a major role in energy transition as they enable the displacement of carbon-intensive and expensive fuels in remote areas. The pipelines allow mines to reduce diesel fuel usage without capital expenditure for pipeline infrastructure by instead supplying liquid natural gas delivered by truck. By powering mines with natural gas-powered engines and partnering with the right supplier, diesel gas usage and carbon footprint can be immediately reduced which was the case for one extremely remote silver mine. The mine site needed a reliable, sustainable power source that would not be compromised by heavy snowfall and winter temperatures of -55°C. A virtual pipeline ensured the steady flow of LNG to the site allowing the mine.
Using the latest hybrid energy technologies will enable mines to significantly lower their total cost of energy and reduce their carbon footprint, while demonstrating their ongoing commitment to both environmental sustainability and innovation at its operations. All of this without compromising the reliability of power supply and productivity of the mine. In this presentation, viewers will learn more about how hybrid power can make environmentally friendly mining a reality with utility rentals through real-life case study examples. Register today to learn how your mine site can benefit from hybrid energy technologies.