Webinar: Efficient Screening Tools – Key to Combat Anemia

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Date: 28th February

Days old: 2910

Time: 9AM London/2:30PM Mumbai

Unite to Screen and Treat Anemia

WHO's Member States have endorsed global targets for improving maternal, infant and young child nutrition and are committed to monitoring progress. One of these targets states that by 2025 anemia should be reduced by 50% in women of reproductive age.

To meet this target, availability of accurate and cost effective methods for determination of hemoglobin levels is therefore vital. Today there are numerous different methods used worldwide, all with their own advantages and disadvantages, and only very few of them suitable for field conditions.

This webinar will compare the different methods while addressing the importance of accurate and suitable methods for anemia screening. You will learn how some anemia control programs have been very successful in reducing the prevalence of anemia thorough recurrent monitoring.

The webinar will also be available on demand, and to make sure you receive the link register today!

Presented by

Annika Eriksson,

Clinical & Scientific Affairs Manager, HemoCue AB, Ängelholm, Sweden

Ms. Eriksson has devoted her career to the medical device, point-of-care testing industry for over 20 years. Her experience includes product development, market research, clinical research and clinical applications with special attention to the field of hematology, hemoglobin testing and screening for anemia. In her current role as Clinical & Scientific Affairs Manager at HemoCue AB in Sweden, Ms. Eriksson has a global responsibility driving market acceptance of hematology point-of-care testing solutions by demonstrating clinical usability.

Key Learning Objectives

  • Advantages/disadvantages between different methods for hemoglobin measurement
  • Importance of accuracy in Point-of-Care Testing


  • Chairman of Paediatrics
  • Consultant Physician and Haematologist
  • Head of Clinical and Laboratory Medicine
  • Physician
  • Senior Clinical Leader
  • Specialist in Paediatrics
  • Vice President Program Management Team