Webinar: Trends in the Global Beer Market

Sponsored by: Canadean

Focused on:

Date: 24th October

Days old: 4497

Time: 3PM London/10AM New York

Evolution and Forecasts

The Global Beer Market continues to grow but there are huge differences in growth between regions and markets. Whilst the Asian beer market is predicted to continue to grow strongly, growth prospects in West Europe are much more pessimistic.

This presentation will look at the evolution of the global beer market and will highlight key differences in regional beer consumption and growth patterns. It will also look at the key trade flows for beer, identifying key markets for imports and the leading beer exporting countries.

We will also look at the world’s leading brewing groups and provide an overview of the beer market in a number of key countries.

The Global Beer Market has developed rapidly. Back in the 1990’s few would have predicted that the Chinese beer market would be twice the size of the US market and that the world’s largest beer brand would be Chinese. This presentation will help you to identify the key trends and to make informed business decisions.

Presented by

Kate Wratten,

Director, Canadean Core Consulting

Kate is the Director of Canadean’s Core Consulting business focusing on Soft Drinks and Beer, working with clients to identify and take advantage of strategic opportunities and address their specific challenges.

Kate brings a strong background to Canadean Consulting with experience in the drinks industry, retail and management consultancy

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Key Learning Objectives

  • Understand the differences in regional beer consumption patterns
  • Find out which markets are forecast to be the fastest growing
  • What are the major trade flows in beer
  • Find out who are the world's leading brewing groups


  • Market Insights Managers/Directors
  • Consumer Planning Directors
  • Market Analysts