Webinar: Sustainable Challenges: How to reduce your Organisations Carbon Footprint

Sponsored by: Elopak

Focused on:

    Date: 29th November

    Days old: 4827

    Time: London 3PM / New York 10AM

    Understanding the Total Lifecycle Assessment for Evaluation

    The first part of this session will focus on Elopak's clear goal of how to reduce its environmental impact. Key areas of this webinar will focus on the challenges that packaging companies will face and how to share the responsibility for sustainable development.

    The case studies that will be discussed will touch upon how to set second generation targets for CO2 and how Elopak employees are involved in driving the decrease of CO2 reductions. This discussion will also include how all organisations need to improve their own performance in order to reduce global warming, secure biodiversity and well managed forests and ensure recycling of beverage cartons.

    In the second part of the presentation Rasmus Hansson, General Secretary of WWF Norway will discuss how WWF and Elopak have recently cooperated to set the second generation targets for 2020. Another focus point of the second part of this presentation will be about the key drivers to reduce environmental impact by design and the evaluation of the carbon footprint in the value chain.

    We hope you can join us for this presentation and learn more about the sustainable challenges facing this industry and how to ultimately reduce your carbon footprint within your own organisation.

    Presented by

    Sveinar Kildal,

    Global Director Corporate Environment

    Sveinar Kildal, holds the position of Director Global Environment for Elopak. He has held various senior management positions and General Manager in industry over the past 15 years within paper production, waste management, packaging, environment and consumer communication. He has a Masters degree in Solid State Physics from University of British Columbia and University of Oslo.

    Sveinar has been working at Elopak for 4 years developing their Environmental and Sustainability strategies. He is a Board Member of ACE – The Alliance for Beverage Cartons and the Environment and the Carton Council US.

    Rasmus Hansson,

    General Secretary of WWF Norway

    Rasmus Hansson has since year 2000 been the Secretary General of WWF - Norway. He graduated from NTNU as biologist with specialty in Ethology of large arctic mammals. (e.g. Polar Bears). Hansson holds diplomas from Australia in international politics, business administration, as well as wildlife biology. He has worked in the Norwegian ministry of environment, conducted environmental mapping of Svalbard, and headed departments of environmental affairs at both the Norwegian Polar institute and NORAD (Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation).

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    Key Learning Objectives

    • Understanding why total lifecycle assessment is a fair way to evaluate processes
    • Managing knowledge and understanding the full supply chain to reduce environmental impact
    • Identifying short term and long term goals that are realistic and manageable
    • Developing a commercially viable process that does not hinder business growth


    • Heads of Packaging
    • Heads of Environment/Sustainability
    • Heads of Supply Chain
    • Heads of R&D/ Innovation
    • Heads of Technical Packaging
    • Heads of Product Lifecycle Management
    • Heads of Marketing
    • Heads of Purchasing
    • Heads of NPD
    • Heads of Manufacturing