Webinar: Increase your Efficiency Through Planning & Scheduling in Food & Beverage
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Date: 27th April
Days old: 3216
Time: 1PM New York/10AM California
Acquire visibility, increase efficiency, and support food safety with effective planning and scheduling software
Food consumers are increasingly aware of and concerned about the ingredients found in processed foods that they buy. Labelling requirements for processed food are becoming more demanding. Maintaining a high level of traceability to avoid cross contamination of ingredients is crucial to the ability of food processors to service their customers. Inefficiently sequencing orders will result in increased down time between jobs that limit the production capacity of the entire plant.
Food and beverage processors must ensure that their products conform to organic standards and that allergens and GMOs are not present when labelled as such. They must also continue to provide a high level of customer service and maintain production efficiencies to be competitive. Food processors that are able to efficiently manage allergens and organics will be able to respond to customers, control their process, and grow their business. Those who do not may become mired in administrative minutiae that limits their ability to grow.
As well as the ability to schedule, companies are also looking further out to the horizon. Looking to plan against forecast volumes further into the future to see where capacity issue may occur.
Join us to learn insights into how you can schedule your entire plant in minutes rather than hours or days by systematizing your tribal knowledge. You will also learn how other food companies are able to quickly react to ongoing changes in production and customer demand giving them the ability to see the implications both short and long term. These methods allow food processors the ability to respond to their customers faster and more accurately than their competitors thus increasing market share.
Presented by
Jeff Johnson,
Co-Founder Kudos Solutions North America
I am Jeff Johnson, the Managing Director of Kudos Solutions UK. In 1994 Kudos Solutions UK were approached to become a reseller of Preactor and have been selling and implementing Preactor ever since. We were one of the first companies to hold this position and as a business Preactor remains our sole focus to this day. I personally have been have been working with Preactor for over 18 years, starting in support and working my way up through development to implementations and then on to project management.

Key Learning Objectives
- Understand the importance of both planning and scheduling systems, and why they are different.
- Learn about the advantages of sequence dependent scheduling and how it can increase your plant’s efficiency.
- Learn about the role that automated scheduling can play in your food safety initiatives.
- How can a sophisticated scheduling system allow me to react faster to change and respond more effectively to my customers?
- Heads of Production
- Heads of Operations
- Heads of Planning
- Heads of IT
- Production Managers
- Planning Managers
- Scheduling Managers