What are the opportunities and challenges for adopting digital printing for personalization of food?
Recent times have seen a huge growth in personalization of product to capture the attention of today’s consumers. From the “Share a Coke” campaign to personalized packs of the leading confectionary brands the ability to offer mass customization allows businesses and brands to differentiate and stand out. Edible items such as baked goods, cakes, confectionary and even pet food are the next wave of products to be personalized offering brands a promotional opportunity and a way to increase sales and profit. Whilst the opportunity is exciting, the risks are real and need careful management. It is critical for any food to be safe and compliant in the region it is sold to. The ink used to decorate and provide the value added personalization must be carefully considered in terms of provenance and fit for use.
This webinar will review the opportunities and challenges facing businesses who adopt digital printing technology for food. Topics covered will include the potential to add value, implementation of digital printing in a food environment and the critical safety considerations to ensure the final product is safe to eat and meets the legislative requirements of the country of sale.
Attendees will learn about the specific risks of using ink products that do not have digital and food industry heritage or visibility of tests deployed to ensure safety to the consumer and preserving the reputation of the brand.
Sun Chemical, part of the DIC Group, is the world’s leading manufacturer of printing inks with a strong heritage in digital printing technology and production of safe and compliant edible printing inks for food. Join us to understand more about how this technology can benefit your business.
Presented by
Simon Daplyn,
Global Product Marketing Manager
Simon Daplyn Joined Sun Chemical in July 2020 as part of their acquisition of Sensient Imaging Technologies and is the Product Marketing manager for the digital inks group. Simon has experience in development of digital inks and processes, commercial implementation and direct sales across a number of applications and industries.