Webinar: What you don't know can cost you: ABB's economic insights of the shifting European and North American Electricity markets
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Date: 25th June
Days old: 2062
Time: 2PM London/9AM New York
Join an executive summary from the latest ABB Spring reference case of the key energy dynamics driving European and North American Electricity Markets
Good business decisions require good intelligence. Energy executives, planners and analysts constantly evaluate energy markets to understand the effects of tightening regulations, resource constraints, market volatility and environmental pressures. The European and North American energy landscape have changed dramatically over the last decade and are expected to evolve further in the coming years. ABB’s expert advisory team reviews these developments closely and updates its Energy Market Outlook Reports (Power Reference Cases) with in depth market insights every six months. Together with a critical analysis of emerging energy policies and regulatory changes announced by National Governments and regional authorities, we develop our own independent view of the implications of these changes. This view is translated into our comprehensive European and North American electricity market modelling process and used by clients around the world to support strategic energy decisions.
In our H1-2019 Power Reference Cases, we have captured the following major developments and quantified the significant impact of those changes on the electricity markets across Europe and North America:
- Integrated National Energy and Climate Plans (NECP) – draft plans as submitted to the EU
- Improving economics and expanding state standards are Increasing the amount of renewables in the US market
- Renewable energy targets – elaborated in national policies and in NECPs
- The cost of renewables in the North American market continuing to decline
- Coal phase-out plan for Germany – announced by government-appointed commission
- Low gas prices continue putting pressure on coal and nuclear resources in the US
- The uncertainty in the future carbon price structure
Join ABB’s energy market experts for exclusive insights and interactive discussion of the topical issues in both European and North American energy markets. Whether you are:
• an investor in renewables or other emerging technologies;
• an electricity producer or trader;
• a large electricity consumer; or
• Simply keen to stay abreast of the latest market trends.
The real-world and actionable insights provided in ABB’s webcasts and Power Reference Cases enable industry professionals to make better economic and strategic decisions and in today’s volatile power market, what you don’t know can cost you.
Presented by
Dr Anser A Shakoor,
Head Energy Market Advisory Business (EMEA), Energy portfolio Management, ABB
Dr Anser Shakoor leads ABB’s market advisory business in EMEA. He has over 18 years of experience in providing strategic advice on investments in the electricity sector and assessing market risks and opportunities. His industry experience spans electricity generation with special focus on renewable generation and emerging technologies, wholesale markets and asset evaluations. Anser’s recent client engagements have been on optimizing operations and strategic investments, assessing market risks and opportunities based on in-depth analysis of electricity markets in Europe and North America.
His clients include investors (banks, lenders, investment funds, etc), utilities and developers of renewable energy across Europe and North America.
He holds a PhD in Power System Economics with a special focus on integration of renewables.
Tom Sweet,
Director of ABB Global Reference Case and North America zonal and portfolio consulting
Mr. Sweet is the Director of ABB Global Reference Case and North America zonal and portfolio consulting. He has over 38 years of electric industry experience. He provides industry analysis and insight in the areas of market price forecasting, portfolio and risk management, regulatory affairs, power marketing/energy trading, customer valuation, strategic planning, and software design.
Mr. Sweet is a registered Professional Engineer and holds a B.S. and M.S. in Electrical Engineering from the University of Illinois.

Key Learning Objectives
- Latest energy policy and regulatory developments in Europe
- Developments in future electricity markets
- Impact of uncertainty in carbon prices
- Renewables / Sustainable Investments
- Energy / Electricity Price Forecasts
- Energy / Electricity Market analysis
- Energy / Electricity Procurement
- Energy / Electricity Trading
- Revenue Forecasting
- Generation Asset Evaluation
- Strategic Planning or Analysis
- Generation Portfolio Optimization
- Regulatory Analysis (Energy Sector)