Webinar: Properly Sizing Your Generator

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Date: 14th November

Days old: 2285

Time: 3PM London/10AM New York

Ensuring trouble-free and efficient generator operation

Power generation is needed in an endless variety of locations and environments, with each installation having different factors affecting generator requirements. Incorrect generator sizing can be disastrous in any power generation project if particular installation factors are not properly taken into account.

This webinar will introduce common factors that can affect your power supply, and will explain why the correct sizing of your generator is essential to producing the best results. You will gain a better understanding of how winding pitch, temperature rise, altitude, harmonics and other factors affect your end power solution. The webinar will also discuss different agency standards and how these requirements determine generator size as well.

Understanding all mechanical and electrical considerations that factor into properly sizing a generator is key to ensure trouble-free and efficient generator operation. Register for this webinar here to make sure your future power generation projects are properly planned.

Presented by

Jacob Jewison,

Electrical Engineer

Jacob graduated from Minnesota State University, Mankato with a bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering, and has 5 years of experience with Nidec-Kato Engineering working as an Electrical Engineer.

Key Learning Objectives

  • Understand how environmental factors can affect your power generation solution.
  • Learn how different types of enclosures affect generator sizing.
  • Know what data is required for proper machine sizing.
  • Develop the ability to create better specifications for your power supply needs.


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