Webinar: Power Generation and the Energy Transition - Moving towards a carbon-neutral future

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Date: 19th October

Days old: 2311

Time: 11AM London/12PM Berlin

Generating electricity in a world moving towards a carbon-neutral future

Power generation is changing. With an increase in renewables and a fall in conventional generation, there is a one way route as we move to reducing carbon emissions, and power generation must play its role.

Our first webinar ahead of the International Power Summit will discuss the impact of renewables on the sector and the resulting challenges the market will face where over fifty per cent of generation is from renewables. The near future, if not beyond, will consist of a mix of both conventional and renewable generation working in harmony with storage solutions. This provides an effective, efficient and economic system of power generation that assists in the fight against climate change and provides the world’s energy needs.

Our esteemed panellists will discuss all of this, along with providing their thoughts on how things are changing. Some questions that will be covered include:

• What will the effect of reducing subsidies for renewables be on the uptake of renewables?
• Is there a role for carbon capture and storage in the future?
• Virtual power plants and decentralised solutions: What will the impact be on traditional power generation?

These are some of key issues that will be discussed at the 16th annual International Power Summit that will take place in Berlin on the 20-22 February 2019. This must attend event will bring together senior executives responsible and involved with power generation from both conventional power and renewables, along with selected solution providers developing new and innovative technologies to improve and enhance power plants and other generation equipment. As it has done for the last fifteen years, IPS will deliver cutting-edge presentations on the key challenges as well as future opportunities for the industry, and wide-ranging technical developments in power generation. We will be welcoming top-calibre speakers to our stage to share their success stories.

Join us for the webinar to get up-to-speed with generation for the future, meet our expert panel speakers and pose your questions during the broadcast to find out what is happening and what needs to be done to support the energy transition to a carbon-neutral world.

Presented by

Harminder Singh,

Director - Power, GlobalData

Harminder specialises in research in the Power, Renewable Energy and Smart Grid sectors. He manages the Power team at GlobalData and oversees all research and consulting studies undertaken by the team.Harminder has more than 15 years of experience, most of which has been in energy sector research. He has led a large number of studies in the power and renewable energy sectors covering various aspects, including generation, transmission, distribution, smart grids, equipment, power trading, tariffs, policy and regulatory aspects, etc.In the past, he has worked with research and analytics companies such as Evalueserve, RocSearch and India Infrastructure Research, where he has worked closely with clients on research studies involving new products/markets strategy, identification of investment opportunities, competitor benchmarking, technology commercialisation, vendor identification, etc. Harminder has an MBA from Indian Institute of Management, Indore and MSc in Physics from Delhi University.

Ermenegilda Boccabella,

Senior Policy Officer, Energy Technologies Europe

Ermenegilda is the Senior Policy Advisor with Energy Technologies Europe. She specialises in international environment, energy and emissions reductions having worked on the Paris Agreement, the Montreal Protocol and now the EU Energy Transition. Ermenegilda has been working with Energy Technologies Europe through the Clean Energy Package and now the implementation of low carbon strategies. Advocating for energy efficiency, sector coupling and investment in research & development, she sees Europe as the clear leader in energy and carbon management innovation. Energy Technologies Europe is a Brussels based trade association for energy and energy conversion component manufacturers and suppliers. The association has come up with the Energy Hub – a practical answer for implementing the Energy Transition.

Richard Hall,

Director, Corporate Procurement, Centre Of Competence – Renewables, E.ON

Richard Hall has his Honours Degree in Humanities from the University of Leeds and a Master Of Business Administration. This year he has completed 35 years in the Electricity Supply Industry of which 30 years have been in senior management positions in the electrical power and utility industry. In the early part of his career he held various positions in the Central Electricity Generating Boards coal fired power plants and on privatisation he was allocated to PowerGen. During his time in PowerGen he was responsible for negotiating major the Turnkey Contracts for a number of new builds. In the mid 90's he was responsible among others for project development of coal and gas fuelled assets in India and then as a contract specialist in Malaysia. On his return to the UK following the acquisition of PowerGen by EON, he was responsible for the major contracts for, New CCGT, Dedicated Biomass and EON Uk's first Offshore Windfarm. In 2008 he was given the opportunity by EON to become the Director of Procurement for the EON Renewables Business in Germany and has extensive experience of most Renewable energy projects in the areas of Major Onshore and Offshore Wind, Solar PV and CSP, biomass and biogas plant and one experimental tidal energy plant.

Ralf Wezel,

Secretary General, EUTurbines

Ralf Wezel is the Secretary General of EUTurbines, the European Association of Gas and Steam Turbine Manufacturers. At the same he acts as Secretary General of EUGINE, the European association representing the engine power plants manufacturers.

Prior to taking over these tasks in 2014 Ralf Wezel has been managing director of a number of other European industry associations including the European construction equipment industry association CECE, the European agricultural machinery industry association CEMA and EUnited Municipal Equipment, the European association of manufacturers of vehicles for municipal purposes.
Before 2002 Ralf Wezel worked for the German engineering association VDMA in Frankfurt and Brussels.He graduated as an economist at the University of Saarbrucken in Germany.

Key Learning Objectives

  • Learn about the International Power Summit from key market players
  • Hear experts talking about the energy transition and the impact on power generation
  • Determine the impact of finance: How the changing focus of investments will affect the power generation of the future
  • Understand how to unite conventional and renewable technologies for more effective generation


  • Chief Engineers
  • Technical Heads of Energy Markets
  • Heads of Analysis
  • Head of Renewables
  • Heads of Storage
  • Heads of Technical Department
  • Maintenance Directors/Managers
  • Project Directors
  • Business Development Directors
  • Turbines Specialists/Valve Services
  • Heads of Thermo & Hydro Operations
  • Trade Managers
  • Heads of Strategy
  • Global Product Managers
  • Heads of R&D
  • Technology Directors