Date: 18th April
Days old: 2495
Time: 3PM London/10AM New York
Assessing and overcoming barriers to IOR/EOR
Production from maturing oil reservoirs typically follows the same pattern of declining oil with increasing water volumes leading to a declining prize and increased operating costs (OPEX). In this webinar we will look at issues which typically impact production in mid to late field life and their impact on the remaining potential of your reservoir.
As many basins around the world are maturing, and are at a stage where if Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) implementation is not accelerated, then the potential benefit may be lost. With ageing platforms and infrastructure, it is crucial for the field team to assess the remaining prize and assess the best way forward.
This webinar will focus on the importance of reservoir surveillance and analytical analysis to maximise economic recovery (MER).
Attendees will gain an overview of the importance of the reservoir, facilities and wells in mature fields in determining if IOR or EOR is actually feasible and if so which techniques are likely to benefit production.
Register to learn how to maximise the potential from your ageing reservoirs.
Presented by
Dr Stuart Law,
Senior Reservoir Engineer
Dr. Stuart Law is a senior reservoir engineer with a multidisciplinary background and has over 13 years industry experience. Stuart is the Production & Recovery Enhancement subject matter expert and focal point for EOR within Lloyd’s Register, and has worked on a diverse range of field development and enhanced oil recovery projects both within the UKCS and internationally.
He holds a BSc (Hons) in Geology & Petroleum Geology, MSc Geotechnical Engineering from the University of Glasgow, an MSc Petroleum Engineering and PhD Civil Engineering from Heriot-Watt University. He was also co-author of the ‘low salinity state of play’ report reviewing the laboratory/simulation research in 2012 for DECC/Pilot and led the DECC EOR Field Reviews of UKCS fields in 2014-2015, and has published papers on low salinity waterflooding, geomechanics and polymer.

Key Learning Objectives
- Introduction to typical issues which impact production in mid to late life including produced water, scaling, souring and accessible remaining oil
- Determination of the current base recovery factor (BRF) and practical analysis which can be applied to determine which reservoir efficiencies can be tackled to boost BRF
- Introduce the ORE (Opportunity-Realisation-Execution) IOR/EOR review process and how to formulate a plan for tackling IOR/EOR challenges
- Introduction to screening and theory of low salinity and polymer enhanced oil recovery
- Subsurface manager
- subsurface team lead
- Asset team lead
- Reservoir Engineer
- Senior Reservoir Engineer
- Chief Reservoir Engineer
- Petroleum Engineer
- Senior Petroleum Engineer
- Chief Petroleum Engineer
- Economist
- Analyst
- Senior Analyst
- Production Technologist
- Petrophysicists
- Senior Geologist
- Facilities Engineer
- Process Engineer
- Core Analyst
- R&D