Date: 31nd January
Days old: 1842
Time: 3PM London/10AM New York
Scratching below the Subsurface of Technology
Doing more with less is nothing new for the oil and gas industry. Yet the challenge to meet the continued demand for energy places a renewed emphasis on the role and contribution of technology. Ironically it is the expectation that surrounds how technology can be utilised/deployed that creates the greatest challenge.
Data. Far from swimming through it, you’re drowning in it. Data may be the lifeblood of your organisation but the sheer volume can easily overwhealm an organisation. Machine Learning and artificial intelligence is often talked about as a technology silver bullet to address this issue, yet the role of the individual is sadly overlooked. As energy firms look to deploy new technologies, the question is can machine learning or artificial intelligence fill the gap or indeed will it be excepted?
Presented by
Derek Crombie,
VP Subsurface
Derek Crombie, is the Vice President for Software Development within LR’s Digital group where he is responsible for the development of all LR’s commercial software products. However, Derek is also widely recognised as a world expert for Lloyds Registers Interactive Petrophysics (IP) software, having helped to design, develop and promote the product over the last 20 years.
Prior to joining LR, Derek started his career in the Oil & Gas industry with a major wireline service company, followed by a sub-surface consultancy from where he progressed through the ranks to become Chief Petrophysicist for Production Geoscience Ltd and then Global Head of Petrophysics for Senergy as well as Senergy Americas Manager.
During this time, he not only helped with the development of IP, he also managed an international team of Petrophysicists deliver technical subsurface projects using IP to provide solutions for many complex and challenging petrophysical problems over diverse geological environments.
Derek, has also provided and created numerous training courses and technical demonstrations to Universities, individuals and companies around the globe and is a key stakeholder in the development of many of the advanced modules within IP and its sister product IC as well as LR’s digital software strategy.

Key Learning Objectives
- A new perspective on how to wade through your data lake
- How better designed human led systems can expand on machine learning or AI
- Why building on individual knowledge should form the cornerstone of your technology investment decisions
- Geoscientists
- Subsurface Managers
- Petrophycists
- Subsurface Lead
- Development geologists
- Data & IT Managers