Webinar: Benefits of Modernizing Your Control Systems
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Date: 26th July
Days old: 2396
Time: 3PM London/10AM New York
An Introduction to the Nexus Control System
Like any other digital devices, industrial control systems have evolved greatly over the past several decades. Modern control system can provide benefits beyond lifecycle concern including deeper visibility into your plant processes, enhanced predictive analytic capability, better troubleshooting, easier to configure user interfaces and seamless integration of other assets in the process. By continuing to operate with older control systems, customers expose their facilities to increased maintenance and troubleshooting costs, limited reporting and trending capability and potential incompatibilities when equipment replacements are installed.
This webinar will focus on the benefits of modernizing customer control systems and considerations for proper lifecycle managements of these assets. The presentation will begin with a short history of control systems and how they have evolved over time and then will move into the differences between modern control systems and their legacy counterparts.
We will also discuss how control systems can be implemented into a plant process to drive value beyond simply controlling the asset. We will review how these systems can provide expanded and improved analytic and trending capability, timely sequence of events tracking to see where issues may have originated and improved software packages with more intuitive user interfaces.
If plant managers, engineers, operators or others involved in investments in control systems want to understand how to improve their overall operation through modernizing their control systems, then they should attend this presentation.
Presented by
Nathaniel Martin,
Senior Product Line Manager
Nate Martin has been developing, managing and commercializing products for over 15 years for a variety of industries including power generation, oil & gas, commercial construction and building materials.
He received a Bachelor’s degree in Chemical Engineering from the University of Colorado and an MBA from the University of Denver.
He has been involved in every aspect of product development from initial engineering to production to marketing and commercialization and finally to aftermarket support.
Chad Shryock,
Global Technical Sales Manager
Chad Shryock has over 20 years in the power industry and has filled a number of roles in engineering, product development and sales. He received his Bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering from Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology.
Chad began his career with PSI Energy, and would eventually merge into Duke Energy years later. He has extensive background in design, control and operation of power generation plants, including coal fired steam, combined cycle and coal gasification.

Key Learning Objectives
- Modernizing a control system will drive benefits beyond improved lifecycle
- Modern control systems can improve analytic, troubleshooting and integration capabilities
- Not modernizing can expose assets to increased cost and risk
- Plant Manager
- Regional Plant Manager
- Head of Engineering
- Controls Operator
- Controls Engineer
- Operations Manager
- Engineering Manager
- Production Manager
- Capital Purchasing