Date: 31st May 2018
Venue: Prince de Galles, 33 Avenue George V, Paris, 75008, France
We invite you to our networking dinner on May 31st to discuss current trends in cheminformatics (data capture, storage and analysis) in alignment with the most common elements of drug discovery research work . We'll be putting a special highlight on our web- and cloud-based platform solutions to support early stage discovery without the need of an IT overhead:
-Design new chemical entities based on ChemAxon's next generation platform
-Import chemical or biological data
-Register small compounds and macromolecules
-Store and search scientific data relying on ChemAxon's chemistry engine of 20 years of experience
-Analyze, share and report chemical and biological information
May 31st at 17:00 - 21:30 | Cost: Complimentary
To bring these solutions even closer to our audience, we will present experiences working with ChemAxon's web based platform. This talk will focus on important practical questions like:
-What was the need for selecting a web-based platform?
-Why did they decide to choose ChemAxon's solution?
-How are they using it for their day-by-day research tasks?
-How can an organization manage the transition to a new platform?
The networking dinner event provides the opportunity for attendees to express current needs, such as: what are the key challenges they face at the moment in their current projects, like capturing research data (both chemical and biological). We will ask you whether the current web/cloud based solution presented by ChemAxon is the pivotal platform for modern research era needs. The attendees will have a chance to discuss all the above during a round-table discussion, that will be held right after the presentations.