Date: 14th Nov 2013
Venue: The Stafford Hotel, 16-18 St James\'s Place, London, SW1A 1NJ
The Stafford is a leading five star hotel rich in history and intrigue. Originally built in the 18th century, the hotel's quiet rooms and cobbled cul-de-sac courtyard offer a reprieve from the nearby bustle of Piccadilly and Bond Street. And this place is dripping with history, including stories of royal beginnings and a wine cellar that dates back more than 300 years. Located in the heart of St James's the hotel has an air of timelessness, where elegance and tradition create a haven of calm.
As more and more companies adopt cloud computing, the discussion now goes well beyond whether the best solution to a particular need is software as a service, platform as a service or infrastructure as a service. There is now a need for CIOs and other senior IT decision-makers to think about their own roles in the era of public, private and hybrid cloud, as well as how best to structure their people and processes in order to maximise the value of any cloud deployments. This Dining Club will focus less on cloud technology and more on people and process. For instance, how is the role of the CIO changing and are CIOs well-placed to be cloud services stewards or gatekeepers? Do they and their staff need new skills in order to capitalise on the latest opportunities and meet the needs of the business? Attend this CBR Dining Club to find out. Kindly held in association with Rackspace.